This piece intends to manifest the Vulture’s intense solemnity. He or She dazzles us with his/her strength through his/her eyes and sublime body expression. Nowadays, many vulture species are extinct, and many others are addressing the same direction. We need to reconnect with our planet and rebuild it. Rethink our way of existing.
The artwork “Honor Her Presence” reflects how she, the Pangolin, rooted to the earth, emanates energy and connection to Mother Nature. Firm and determined in every step she takes with a child’s innocence, she carries a wisdom that glows in her eyes.
This piece was donated at auction and helped finance the work of the NGO REST (Rare & Endangered Species Trust) in Africa to save Pangolins.
This painting intends to remind us of the need to rise with nature and let our ego fall. We are part of mother nature, not more nor less. As part of the manifestation of life, all creatures of any size or shape are extraordinary and live in collective harmony. As humans, we have become isolated, disconnected from nature and moved by selfish actions. It is time for us to reconnect with mother nature and be part of her immense creativity. Do we want to continue as separate beings towards self-destruction?
Rising and falling is a learning process that allows us to transmute with creativity while connected to mother nature.